Monday, October 12, 2009

catch up ...the sun still shining.

I know it has been a while since my last conf... oops blog but I have my excuses. Where were we...oh yes 2 weddings and a headache! The weddings went off better than we could have hoped for. All our fears were unfounded and without any base. There were some reservations but they were reflections only excuses and worry. Again totally unnecessary because everyone is very happy and we are all proud of our children and their spouses. So this ...unfortunateley makes for a very boring blog.

Other son is still in the UK looking to get settled after the US Embassy and Maimi debacle. Was it racial profiling ? After months of consideration I am sad to say that in my opinion it was. The treatment he/we received in Maimi was 3rd world to say the least. The Homeland officers were rude and arrogant and barely conmprehendable..which was most surprising. (My son speaks perfect 'queen' English.)

I felt that our lives were worth more under apartheid where we were officially classified second class citizens then in Maimi in 2009. We were surround by an army of officials wearing guns and one of them had the audacity to say that I was harassing him.... becauseI was trying to explain the circumstances why we were in Maimi! Confidence in the US immigration department ? ...None I know that they don't know their arses from their elbows ...and that is being polite. We are know waiting for them to approve my sons B visa so that he can come and visit over Christmas and at the same time close his US affairs. If he does not get his visa there will a letter winding its way to Barack !

Teacher daughter was nominated a 'Champion' of sorts by one of her pupils/parents! This was fantastic news..waiting on results. In meanwhile we hear that the the poor student has had to 'removed' from the school for bad behaviour! Teacher stressed, over worked ,under payed but still a 'champion'!

Grandson still bringing joy to Granmama and granddada . The latest is ...."Grandmama I love you but don't get your knickers in a twist".....two years old. He can't wait for his baby sister 'TAXI' to arrive in February. So its Thomas the tank engine and Jelly Babies if his good. Which if the truth be known is all the time. His vocabulary for a two year old is amazing. His Grandada has been assigned to teach him not a word a day but a phrase...a full sentence ! I am preparing !

She that has to be obeyed willingly and without complaint is feeling to great lately .....add sinues to the list! Just bought her a Net- Pot to inhale ...hoping for success!

Business continus to be dire so we are looking to diversify , add , change and adapt! watch this space!

Went on a mini cruise with Q's...... as always fun , interesting , differant and always DRAMA. The Q's like to dress up for the Captains banquet and it was Mr Q's birthday. Guess who was the only Penguin on board?

Will end for now and make a promise the be more regular...with the blogs! Its 92 F in October in Florida so as usual the sun still shines out of my big Florida blog......

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