Thursday, November 5, 2009

Grand mama is a Love Machine and Cheryl has B*lls the sun does shine in Florida and Uganda

Some good news to go with the sunshine.......I won't be writing to Mr Obama ...for the moment at least as the US Embassy in London have decided that my son is not a threat to national security and have given him a ONE only entry visit to the USA.

If they were frightened that he would disappear once he got here why place a restriction on his visa? If he was 'that ' way inclined I think he would know that his opportunities were narrow and that he should make strategic plans on the one and only visit!

The good news is that he can re apply in six months to visit again. To ensure that he does not overstay his welcome we plan on returning to the UK on the same day, same flight! He still has to get through border control when he travels out at the end on watch this space!

The other good news is that Google have finally emailed me and told me that we are not banned from advertising on AdWords and that it was an error on their part!!! Again watch this space ....I will only believe it when the most powerful organization in the world debits my credit card...will it make them any richer...nah!

In the last few days I have had some good news from two of the most powerful giants in the world...The US Government and Google.... so the sun still shines in my big florida blog....just about.

Other good news...Daughter Teacher was head hunted for a new teaching post and got it! The siblings, spouses and parents seem to be getting on very well at the moment so everyone is happy.

The grand son is still a shining star ....that is until the little sister arrives in February...again watch this space. The shining star told his Grand mama (with some egging on ..) that she was a Love Machine!

Our good friend Cheryl .... is off to Uganda to do God's work. Now that's a lady with B*lls! Good Luck and come back safe. Despite the hardship they go through the sun does shine in Uganda too because of people like Cheryl!

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