Monday, February 16, 2009

There is a new movie in the works...

My blog got the thumbs up from one of my daughteAdd Videor today...she can't believe that her dad has a blog.
Wedding plans for "two weddings and a massive headache" are in full progress. The extended famililies have all thrown in their fifty cents worth of ideas and opinions. Transatlantic phone calls start at dawn and go on...thank God for Skype. With the different religions and cultures involved there is a movie in this somewhere ....a Bollywood comes to London style will be a winner. So I am now on to a working title... The one that comes to mind immediately is ' A Family in crisis' but that sounds to serious. Then there is 'Its only a Wedding innit!!'
There is always the chance to revive the Carry on tradition also ... we have two months so there is time to even work on a script and raise the finance!! Anyone interested?
I'll be someones favourite dad or get disowned!
Received an email with good news that our friends Cheryl and the Doc won a a radio competition for Cheryls photo on love ...taken in Uganda. Congratulations , they deserve the win. Despite the cold and wind the sun is shining in Peoria,Ill.

1 comment:

  1. Dad, you have discussed some very deep things...
    However the movie thing is something that I have been cotemplating for years actually. Only nowadays I think it would be better as a TV series based on our family drama... I think it could be very popular.
    What do you reckon to "GardEnders?" or a spoof of "Whose the boss?" entitled: "Whose to Blame?"

    I continue to be overwhelmed by how fab you are and you Blogs continue to make me smile.
